Serving in the military takes strength, dedication, a sense of duty and purpose. Serving in the military as a woman requires takes resolve and fortitude that many can only hope to achieve and all should aspire to. Here at the Brookfield Institute we recognize the courage and tenacity women service members and veterans possess and we are dedicated to lifting up their voices while speaking to challenges they face.
If you are a woman who currently serves or has in the past, please take our survey to help guide our programming to best serve you here at the Brookfield Institute.
Have questions about what's out there? Looking for VA resources or programs specific for women veterans? Find the answers to your questions here: | Veterans Affairs: Women Veterans Call Center
Would you like to connect with women veterans in Massachusetts or speak with someone who knows about state and federal benefits? Reach out here:
CIS: Veterans’ Guide to Benefits - Women Veterans
Would you like to join a peer run group focused on wellness? Maybe you'd like to start a group in your area? Find out more here:
For even more information, resources and opportunities, check out the organizations below:
Service Women's Action Network
VFW Women Veterans
Women Veterans | The American Legion
Women Veterans | U.S. Department of Labor