By Kevin Lambert
Since returning from combat, veterans have been told, “Don’t isolate; be social; be part of the community and get out of the house.” But, everything has changed because of Covid-19 — and you are stuck at home.
You may be experiencing isolation. You may be stressed and overwhelmed because of worries about money or the future or your family. You may be having thoughts of self-harm or know someone who seems to be struggling.
YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Help is available even if you can’t leave your house.
VA VETERAN CRISIS LINE is 1-800-273-8255 Press 1 for veterans or text 838255. It is available 24 hours a day.
VET CENTERS can help if you are active duty or a combat veteran or Gold Star family member, 24 hour and fully confidential 1-877 927-8387 (WAR VETS)
MA State SAVE team 1-617-210-5743
Veteran service officers can help with financial assistance and can link to different programs. Each town in Massachusetts has its own VSO. There are extra resources for veterans set aside for Covid-19 financial recovery. If you need help locating your VSO, give us a call 413-563-7282 or send an email to [email protected].
There are 30 career centers statewide to help you find jobs and get placements. Call 1-877-US2-JOBS (1-877-872-5627) TTY:1-877-889-5627
PREVENT (The President’s Roadmap to Empower Veterans and End a National Tragedy of Suicide) has several other suggestions as part of their More Than Ever Before campaign to help people respond to the stress and anxiety caused by the pandemic.
Recognize the importance of your own psychological well-being.
Do your own psychological assessment regularly. If you need them, there are self-assessment screening tools online.
If you are in therapy or counseling — continue by phone, telehealth platform or text. The additional support will be helpful for you and your family.
Please talk to your kids. They are dealing with this crisis and your support can have a positive effect on the long-term impact it will have. You don’t need to have all of the answers — listening and talking to kids in age appropriate ways can be extremely helpful. There are many resources online for additional information.
Remember to connect with family, friends, neighbors and other Veterans to both ask for and provide support. There are many creative ways to communicate while maintaining physical distancing including using the phone, email, texts messaging and video calls.
Share how you’re doing, what works for you, what doesn’t – with family, friends, neighbors (while maintaining physical distancing).
Please reach out to those who are struggling.
Always remember that you are not alone in this. Others have been in this place and have found a way forward and you can too, with the help of those you’ve got your six.