By Jennifer Baublitz
Have you ever found yourself committed to something you didn’t believe in, like a dead-end job or social situation that just didn’t sit right with you? Did you struggle to carry out your responsibilities associated with these circumstances or find yourself resenting the situation all together?
The Struggle: Odds are you were experiencing some dissonance between your deep seated values and belief systems and what the situation called for. This is not an uncommon occurrence for veterans when they leave the military and begin navigating the transition into civilian life. Many find it difficult to function well when the environment does not reflect the rules we have adapted to and set for ourselves and others.
The skills: In our current environment, however, the values and beliefs that are central to the military lifestyle are more necessary than ever. If we use the leadership traits and attributes to shape our decision-making process one would hope we would make better decisions, but we are human beings and we are flawed. We must take the time to assess that Inventory of Life and re-evaluate our decisions and their consequences for us and others. If one continues to follow a flawed decision process, why would one expect a positive outcome?
Yet we see it every day. We are supposed to learn from mistakes, yet sometimes just cannot break the cycle. Using the LDRSHIP traits and attributes, one would hope to be more resilient both physically and psychologically and have that Reservoir of Strength to endure the Stress and Trauma that life will throw at you.
Loyalty to oneself, to our families friends and loved ones; to our chosen profession, co-workers… the list can go on and on
Do your Duty; take Responsibility for your own actions, do not blame others.
Respect yourself as well as others
Selfless Service: we as human beings need to do our part and give back to those less fortunate, put yourself out there
Exhibit Honesty and Integrity: see yourself as a positive person; you need accept yourself before you can ask others to do so
Personal Courage: to do the right thing regardless of the consequences.
These are precisely the qualities required to collectively combat the pandemic and contribute to a positive revitalization of our communities once things begin to shift. When we have each other’s six, we can weather any storm and the integrity with which we face challenges will inform our growth and preparedness moving forward. So, remember who you are and tap into these beliefs – how can you express loyalty? Respect? Selfless service and personal courage? You can make a difference, even while social distancing:
Call your battle buddies and loved ones – set up times to check in via video conferencing and make sure they know you’re there
Get some materials and get handy – make masks and gowns to donate to your local hospital or care facility
If you are well and able to take all necessary precautions to keep yourself healthy, find a way to volunteer.
If you have the financial means, find good causes to donate too – all nonprofits could sure use your help right now!
Share trusted information only and refrain from fueling panic, false hope and discord.
How it Helps: When your lifestyle aligns with your values and belief systems, you’re more motivated to engage your environment, make meaningful contributions, find purpose and maintain optimism. Humanity needs military values now more than ever – your training is essential, so now is the time to use it!