Get on your PT Gear!

We know that exercising regularly is key for our physical health – The Mayo Clinic recommends that we get at least 150 minutes of moderate (75 minutes vigorous) aerobic activity per week in addition to strength training twice per week for maintaining optimal health

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‘Coffee Pot’ yoga

Roy Dennington, a Vietnam veteran and frequent practitioner at Yoga Warriors, shows a few restorative poses what he practices every morning, hence the nickname “Coffee Pot Yoga.”

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Thank you, Country Bank!

A grant from Country Bank could not have come at a better time and we are so grateful. Thank you for supporting our work with veterans and military families, especially during these unsettling times.

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You Are Not Alone

Since returning from combat, veterans have been told, “Don’t isolate; be social; be part of the community and get out of the house.” But, everything has changed because of Covid-19 — and you are stuck at home.

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Return to Military Values

Have you ever found yourself committed to something you didn’t believe in, like a dead-end job or social situation that just didn’t sit right with you? Did you struggle to carry out your responsibilities associated with these circumstances or find yourself resenting the situation all together?

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